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Views since 1-26-04


Your Techniques

These are some techniques that people have emailed into my. Send me your techniques to see them here! Always remember Safety First!


Friendly Exchange

Hi there,
this is an idea I had for what I think would be a cool bit of bondage.
All you need is:
Some form of bondage that requires a padlock to finish it off and make it secure.
A recodeable combination padlock.
A friend, somewhere in the world, with similar tastes to your own, who you trust. That last bit's very important.
One (but for safety's sake, two would be better) reliable line of communication to the friend.

I think you can probably see where this is going, but I'll carry on anyway.

Firstly, get the friend to recode the padlock and post it to you.
Wait several days for the postal service to work out what it's doing.
Once you receive the padlock, arrange with your friend to meet on line, or send a text message, at some specified time (alternatively, do all this via a webcam).
Whenever you feel ready, dress (or don't) how you want - if I ever manage to find someone to try this with I think I'll go with a PVC catsuit or leotard.
Insert whatever you normally choose to insert wherever you normally choose to insert it.
Tie yourself up, making sure before you take the final step that you can both reach the padlock and see the numbers, and that you can get easy access to your chose method of communication.
Close the padlock.
Writhe around helplessly, hoping or begging for the release combination (this is where you need that trust I spoke about). Of course, you could just cycle through every possible combination, but it would take ages, and where's the fun in that?

Have fun, but be careful!

Katy the kinky York TV


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